The GENERA Workflow

Clean. Safe. Simple.

We offer our customers a workflow which is clean, safe and simple. All our systems are based on the idea to use such a workflow and a high degree of automation to enable real production with 3D printing. The G1/F1 process and the G2/F2 process use a glove-free handling system that is based on an innovative shuttle solution. During the entire production process, the printed part travels in a tight box or shuttle. Both the precious printed components and your hands are protected by this design. The printed component can be handled and processed without any dripping, contamination or light influence from outside. At the same time, the shuttle works as an interface between the 3D printer and the F1 or F2 post-processing unit. It documents the entire manufacturing process and makes it traceable and repeatable. The G3 offers an All-in-One solution, meaning the entire GENERA workflow is handled within the G3 itself. This includes printing the green part, washing and postcuring. All manufacturing data is documented and stored in the GENERA CAM.


Software Workflow

The software workflow starts by loading the STL-file into the GENERA CAM. The CAM software automatically analyzes the STL-file and the geometric structure. The user selects a material from the GENERA material library and sets the printing resolution in X-Y direction (pixel size) and the layer height (slice thickness). The part is automatically oriented based on parameters such as printing speed and support optimization. Once oriented, the support structures are generated by the GENERA CAM.

All parameters for printing and post-processing are defined within the GENERA CAM and a job file is generated that includes all metadata such as slice data, material information, printing parameters, print time, and additional customizable information. After the job file is sent to the printer, the printing process starts automatically. When the print job is finished, the metadata from the print job is stored on the shuttle via RFID. This includes all information necessary for post-processing carried out by the finishing unit. After the shuttle is inserted into the finishing unit and the post-processing is complete, a final Print Report with all relevant job data and sensor measurements becomes available.

Material Validation Process

The GENERA Material Validation Process

Validated. Reliable. Repeatable.

New commercially available and technically appropriate materials are continuously screened and vetted by the GENERA Process Development Team. Materials are made available for customers to print high quality parts only after the Process Development Team carefully tunes the machine process parameters for that resin. The validation process starts with the first test prints and analysis of the green parts to evaluate the printing parameters. After the optimization of the printing parameters, a set of test bars is printed, measured and mechanically tested. If the test parts show good results, the validation of the post-processing starts. In the post-processing we modify all main parameters such as the washing time and post-curing time for a variety of test parts.

After the final test parts have been mechanically tested, the results are compared with the technical data sheet (TDS) of the material vendor. If the data matches the TDS data, the process parameters for printing and post-processing of the material is stored in the GENERA CAM. Our customers can then simply click on one of the materials listed in the GENERA CAM and be sure that the part has the properties according to the TDS. This guarantees our customers repeatable and reliable printing results.